Title: Craving Flight
Author: Tamsen Parker
Genre: Erotica (BDSM)
Type: Standalone Novella
POV: First Person – Female

Tziporrah Berger was a born over again Jew. Afterward a failed marriage to a cheating husband, she decided to be an Orthodox Jew and joined their community much to her parents' disapproval.

Elan Klein was a widower. After two years of losing his married woman, he had been dodging the customs pressure to become a new wife. When it comes to religion, they were like mean solar day and nighttime, but neither realized they really had one detail matter in common.

This book was written as office of BDSM, a Goodreads group outcome where the author developed a story based on a prompt (of a photo and a alphabetic character) that spoke to them the well-nigh. Peckish Flying was based on a prompt by a religious woman with kink tendencies.

Besides religious for one set of parents, not enough for the other. Will I never make anyone happy?

Tziporrah was a torn woman. The choices she made forced her to experience like she didn't belong anywhere. Beingness ba'alat teshuva (a newly religious person) she had a he had difficult fourth dimension with always feeling inadequate to Elan and his ultra religious family unit, even though professional she was a respected university professor.

He looks powerful and virile and I have the urge to go on my knees for him. Perhaps someday he'll command me to.

Elan reminded me of Tom Hardy's character in his movie Lawless – a terse, hulking human who prefer to grunt a respond than actually talking. He was a frum (built-in and raised Orthodox Jew) from a highly religious family. Though religious, he wasn't as rigid every bit them.

I became proficient friends with Google while reading this volume because I had to search for many unfamiliar words related to Jewish religion/civilization. I didn't realize there was a glossary at the end of the volume. Simply, that's actually one of my favorite thing about this book – learning about civilization and faith. It made me feel worldly haha!

If you think them being religious go far dull in the bedchamber think once more. This is a BDSM book subsequently all. There were plenty of sexy scenes and one of my favorite was the ane after her niddah (a period when husband and wife can't bear on because she's menstruating). There was rawness in their needs. Oh, the candle scene was smoldering likewise.

Craving Flight is a story of a woman'southward journey into cocky discovery while embracing who she actually is on the inside. Information technology was an interesting look at how i balances emotional and physical needs.

Note 1:
Craving Flight is available for free. If you purchase earlier the price change, the author will donate it to The Network/La Red, a survivor-led, social justice organization that works to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, BDSM, polyamorous, and queer communities

Note 2:
Special thanks to Shanny who helped enlightening me on some aspect of the civilization.

This review is also available on Goodreads.